Friday, February 25, 2011

Muka baru

Haaaa this one is the previous lah. Sekarang kita tukar to be more simple. :)

Blog pon dah pandai buat plastic surgery wehh. Tukar tukar muka. Buang makeup sikit. Tempek bedak.

Theme black and white pulak.
Hitam tu elegan kan? :D ewahhhh. Tapi if hitam putih? err.

ps: header, credits to saffa

im the winner.

Hahahaha okay NOT. you you and you main tipu. komplot wehh! :/

Main, Draw My Thing. Macam regu. Macam charade.
I draw, You guess. :)

Lukis macam harammm je weh hahah tapi macam addicted kot. Dah lama tak main lukis lukis oh demmm. Memang hancus lah kan.
Anyone yang dapat teka my drawing memang super the bomb. :D Yayyyy!

Malam ni, nak main RISK pulak :) which i also dont know how to play. Tonight baru diorang nak ajar hehe. And entah why la but i can feel or sense that im not going to be the winner. sigh -_____-"

Bythewayyyy, im looking forward to asah balik my skill in piano/keyboard at the moment! Guitar tolak tepi dulu boleh? :)
I played the keyboard and remembered some of the notes. Last main, primary kot! Hehe.
Next mission, playing a drum! Hahaha tapi mana nak cari drum?

Haa gasaklahhh.

ps: balik rumah memang full of main je haha. balik uia nanti kita study okay :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

1017 :)

Sorry for the very the late reply. Sebulan pulak draft kann hehe lupaaa :|

Kau mintak kat facebook, tapi aku reply kat blog je boleh?

Kawan still primary tapi takpernah hi hi bye bye kan dulu hehe so since highschool lah baru kamceng and yeah without you takde kot nak gather gather selalu.Yayy imy.
Such a great masterplanner. If aku plan, confirm tak jadi bai -___-"

Sangat. You mean a lot to me and to us. :) yeahh you get the whole attention, dont worry. haha.

Okayy rindu time sekolah dulu boleh? Balik samasama, lepak samasama, rehat samasama, tuition samasama tapi kelas takde sama. :B time dapat sama, aku pulak lari pergi emaresem. huhu. and i repeat. aku je yang pergi lari. that is so not cool! :/

And wehh remember what, after sekolah mesti rumah kau kita attack. buat suprise party rumah kau jugak kita terjah. study group pon rumah kau. dbsk day still rumah kau.
ohemjayhh your house sangat ada sentimental value awww. haha. tapi sadly kau dah pindah :(

I know sekarang korang active tweet bbm ym semua, that why aku macam tak update sangat with life korang, but thats why jugak everytime reunion, i'll put all my efforts to show up, even sometimes ada program clash bahaha :D love you.
*eh ehhh tapi sekarang aku selalu lah jugak tweet kan? HEHE.

Yes, I feel happy whenever you call me :) Boleh tak tibatiba aku ingat the day yang kau call aku tapi diam and terus nangis nangis sedih. sebab kucing kau mati dulu.
Point here is, im always here okay, by your side cewahh, time happy or time sedih :) Just text me anytime.

And dulu sampai sekarang, memang dont miss me too much lah en en. haha

heyy you are a friend that always help others. yelah kan, you think about others first and then only think about yourself. sweet! Tapi sometimes kau manja, sometimes sarcasm, sometimes poyo, sometimes blur hahaha. okbai.

Okayy all the best you! Dont stress stress. There's always a reason for something.
Ikut kata hati, dont ikut kata kawan. And, Thank youuuuuus banyak!
Seum dwa!
hehe cukup panjang tak? :p

ingat moo, ingat kau lah wehh :) cop, ramai pulak member aku suka moo. -.-"
owl takde ke? Haha.

okay done. jom hot&roll and Mcd. Hehehehehe ;p

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I've found out about this brand through tumblr haha and yeahh kinda love the shoess :)
Can i buy one from malaysia without the shippingshipping cost? in other word is there any shop that selling this brand here, in malaysia duhh? haihhh i want one :/

This brand comes from Bandung, Indonesia if you are wondering. 

Random pictures from FairyBerry Shoes Gallery.


They're my cousins

Cousins belah ibu. Ibu punye abang punye anak. ;p


Azizah Yazid.
Birthdate: February 5
Jijah, the third. sebaya my lil brother. result pmr memang gempak gempak diorang neh :) congrats. Hows your new hostel btw? dulu pasir salak, now mrsm taiping lah kan. cool lah awak ni! :)

Rizwan Yazid. 
Birthdate: February 9
Iwan, the second. two years younger than me. Bakal chef ni. Malu lah wehh hani kalah dengan hang kat dapur -.-" Tapi memang weh memang after asyik masak makan masak je, daripada kurus dah jadi gemuk camnih hehe terel ah. Nak jadi chef jugak lah boleh? :D

Nazareena Yazid.
Birthdate: February 12
Nina, the eldest. this year turns 22 and dah kerja well good job sis. dah dapat gaji shareshare lah eh heheh and thanks share all the stories. nanti nak roundround ipoh lagi jommm :)

opah and the girls :)

baguslah diorang ni birthday tepitepi, memang senanglah nak wish bundle! HAHA. May Allah bless yousss :) 

love yousss :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Esok kena jadi supir untuk sesi jalanjalan cari tempat mana best photoshoot. Haha okay tak. Nak usha tempat nak buat explorace. Alangalang menyelik pekasam lah kan. HEHE.

Updates: semua kawan primary, kawan usj, cousins, kawan emaresem, kawan tepi, jiran semualahh yang study kat mesir dah sampai malaysia. Alhamdulillah. :D legaaa teman baca status status depa ni.

Ohh and hey, after dah confirm jadi business admin student ni,
i tend to be more malasss. demmit -.-
and as you may know, baca and hafal is so not my things.

Assignment dua tiga i havent started yet. due date next week! and another next week. Presentation.
Topics banyak tak cover lagi. self-revision. Yelahh during classes, i just take and look and copy and write the notes! not memorizing it. If tak faham pon just angguk angguk tak geleng huhu. :/

"Procrastination isn't the problem. It's the solution. It's the universe's way of saying stop, slow down, you move too fast." #sarcasm
If we do last minute things, confirm lah the results will not be satisfying enough. menyesal tak sudahh wa cakap pon tak guna.

Well, it is normal to blame others kann so damnyou holidays. Kenapa cuti cuti sekejap sangattt? :p

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tempat kita kat situ jugak nanti.

Semalam pergi kubur atok. Manjoi, ipoh.

Ya, aku tau setiap yang hidup pasti meninggal tapi aku rindu. rindu tengok opah 'berjerit' dengan atok. rindu tengok atok pakai smartsmart even pergi kedai depan. rindu atok merepekan.

and setiap kali ke sana(kubur) aku makin takut dengan diri aku. dengan mati to be exact.
Banyak dah ke pahala? Solat aku ni terima ke tak yelah sometimes terlewat, sometimes tak khusyuk. Or like something yg aku ingat biasabiasa tapi actually it is a dosa or atmost makruh. Hmm.

Dah duapuluh tahun aku hidup ni, aku taknampak improvision diri and success yg boleh dibanggakan sbagai khalifah, anak or student semualah. Yg aku dapat and buat cuma yg sederhana. Moderate. Okay.

I know its not enough to enter the jannah dgn suci. Tapi. aku selalu lagha. selalu tak istiqamah. selalu tak confident. Haih kalau lah aku tak all the taks above. Kalau ehh.

Azam: to be a better person? Cliche.
Firstthingfirst, nak khatam tafsir quran. :)


Alfatihah atok. :')

ps: jaga hati jaga emosi.

Go! Sumayyah Go!

Sorry for the late entry!
 siap bawak banner lagi for finale! perhh semangat sorak.
Its okay its alright go sumayyah fight fight

and yeahh memula macam aim second place je lastlast menang emas alhamdulillah. worth it gilaaa sakit tekak. :D
Both team hebat! Sengit kot.
kakasma and kakfiza main sampai final. bagi can la kat senior :) aku amatur je. huhu

manager and players :)

Yayyy i have the gold medal! finalleyh.

Bahaha even dah lambat post tapi nak post jugak yelahh winner kot! Memang, memang aku reserve je. Tapi kata one team. :) Mestilah kena tumpang riak kan. Hehe. If kalah, maybe aku rasa aku jugak orang yang first cabut kot haha sorry team!

And andd. For tracks event, member aku athlete gila bai. eh bukan gila. sangat. Both dapat firstrunnerup lah. 800m and 400m. Belated congrats lah, masir and yanan. hehe :)

Okay next year jumpa lagi!

Secret Recipe.

 I love to eat, well desserts please. 
Hey just give me anything and i'll eat, cookies, candies, cakes bla blaaa. except chocolate. Yeah im not a chocolate lover.  :D

They called me freak or whatsoever, but im not addicted to it. So takyah susahsusah nak offer to me. See, i make your life easier, kann? Jimat duit hangpa tu. Hehe.

Thai Fried rice
Fish and Chips
Spaghetti bolognese
Prawn Macaroni with cheese
Tomyum Kung
 Bon Appetit!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#birthdayshoutout to @nickynrahman

Untuk youuu. yayyyy! mehh mehh potong kek.

Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan kamu,
Allah selamatkan *tahana nafas* NiknurasyikinNikabdulrahman, 
Allah selamatkan kamu! Aminn. ehh okay dah boleh lepas nafas. :p

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy twenty one. No? Okay,
Fabulous twenyone NN Asyikin :)

And during your twenty, we went to kedah. we did the sleepover.
we play the bubbles. eat the cupcakes.
we camwhored. laughed a lot. and we also do this.
*ehemehem* HAHA. poyo.

and yeahh shopping ofcourse!

Your twentyone, haaa beware jelahh! holiday lah puaspuas dulu. Bahahaha *muka nakal*

In the nutshell.(haha) Thanks for everything. Almost everything that we've been through together during the first year meant a lot to me :)

Yelahhh, kat nilai tak kenal kau.
Aku pakai braces lagi lamaaa kot than aku kenal kau. haha comparison sangat molek gitu. Even tak kenal lama, tapi sangat dah boleh ngam :) Thanks weh!

Okay ni general. Sebab kawan lama ke baru ke, anyone can be rapat as long as ada chemistry. haa if takde chemistry pon, physics pon boleh. kawan is still kawan. time kecik dulu boleh la, 'okay aku tanak kawan kau'. time dewasa matured ni semua kawan bestbest, if ada awkward moment aku tau tu salah aku. :)

 have fun gendut :)

ps: tweet. done! facebook. done! sms. done! call. done! blog. also done! hehe mana lagi? email lookbook tumblr semua nak ke? HAHA.

pss: thanks awok call saya tadi. well, to be the third one is super duper fabulous. hehe. tapi the fact that masa khusyuk borak lah kau nak pergi buat ehemehem and flushhh. hepp selekeh gila! hahaha. 

okay yes semua dah tau. tett!

nickynrahman, surayahanii loves you. :)♥