Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My ibu.

I sometimes tell secrets to my one and only, because she knows me well. Happy birthday ibu. :) She is my supermak. Phewwwwiit!

Ohh and just realized, tak banyak gambar latest together. huu its okay, i know you love me. i love you. We are happy family. 

I know I had photocopied my mum's face and handwriting. Time primary, time muka aku still bulat, lagi lah obvious sama. Everywhere I go, mesti i heard, 'ehhh sejibik macam muka Adik(mymum) time kecik.' and i will sheepishly smile. Hehe. Sekarang je we look diff because i dont have enough cheeks. :p

And billion thanks to those yang wish happy birthday to her. Appreciate much. Doakan ibu semoga panjang umur and diberkati Allah :) Amin.
Ohhh and did I say my abah's birthday is on 2nd July? So yes, happy birthday both! Double amin.
  ♥ them.

A week before Ramadhan.

The month of Ramadaan is a precious, precious time, so much so that Allah calls this month “Ayyamum Ma’doodaat” (A fixed number of days). Before we know it, this month of mercy and forgiveness will be over. We should try and spend every moment possible in the worship of Allah so that we can make the most of this blessing. However, there are some of us who waste away their day playing video games, or worse still, watching TV, movies or even listening to music. Subhaan Allah! Trying to obey Allah by DISOBEYING him!

Okay jangan online 24-hours. jangan tengok movies allthetime. jangan sleep after subuh. And hope this routine will also continue after the end of Ramadhan. Amin. 
And the best part is. This year dapat full Ramadhan, Bazaar and Solat Terawikh kat rumah. :)) *excited*

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cheerleader! and BBQ was fun.

Cheer 2011. Stadium Bukit Jalil. 24Juy2011. 9am-5pm.
I voted for Cyrens and Rayvens. Sri KL's teams. My mum's school. Sebab both are the winner and first runner up wohoooo! And it was Rayvens's first time performing. and Cyrens was the last year's champions. Well done lah. They conquered the best two ranking. And the students all have exams this tuesday, tapi postpone because they won the prizes. Perhhh gila cool lahhhh their principal. :O

Tapi part nak menang which team has the loudest cheer, woi memang sakit otak lah bingit kepala. Tak snap pictures during performances sebab focus kononnye alahai.


After Maghrib, had BBQ with friends. Gathering and makan besar before puasa, tapi tak besar mana pon lah sebab others kat overseas huhu, so they were only 13 of us. But yes, kenyanggg and had fun.

Berebut main hard puzzles tu was the epic moment wehhh haha! 2pixels okay! Helehhhh. :p

Thanks a lot to Aziz. Made hot&spicy and honey, but the honey chicken gilaaaaaaaaaaa lah sedap! Undeniable. Im craving for that. Seriously. Yummeyh! :D

Ehhh. 7ketul ayam? Who's the lucky guy/girl yang makan that seven eh? Hehee. Oops! Ubat batuk. Oops! Heh. Buka puasa kat seoul garden, jommm, next?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hayyan's 3rd Birthday.

Went to Kajang to celerate his birthday. Baca doa selamat, makanmakan and gossips! All the cousins are getting married, onebyone. Oh so jelly! The earliest one is on this september. Please dont make me skip classes. Heh I just love weddings.

 The cake. Choo-choooo train. 

 So comel. He cant wait for the potong cake moment.

Cupcakes for their uncle's. Same month.

 The siblings. Awww they are my favourites :)

 Haha. After perut dah kenyang, we camwhored. Ohh the best part was the Steamboat! 

 Me, Adli & Firdaus, but I called him Ude

Stay cute, birthday boyyy! (:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Red Velvet Cake.

Tadaaa! Okay to be frank, the cake was superlicious. Yayyers. Tapi frosting cair, so yes obviously nampak meleleh tu. :(

And when we bake bake bake, forgot to take pictures of how the reddish cake are. Satu botol bai colouring. -.-"
Heh. Anyhow, thanks to Nisa, yes we've made it. Satisfied. Next bake? Suggestions?

So here it goes. The recipe of red velvet. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

School band Competition.

Just got back from Malaysia National Band Competition at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. It was super epic. Awesome (:

So they didnt get the top three. dapat number four je. but best performance, indeed. Well done stfband. :) loving the masquerade theme.
Stfband, sekolah tun fatimah band. the reason why i went there. hee.

Congrats sasband. Yanan's exschool and she was there supporting the band. Haha suka lattewwww :p Winner. Ecehh.
And the supporters were wayyyy too cool. Haha and i was imagined how the yesterday liverpool malaysia environment. Confirm lah lagi havoc duhh. Oh super love. (:

Next week, cheerleader competition. and smk usj four is one of the team and might be supporting them lah. Jommm, anyone? (:

ps: jalan terkedekkedek macam itik, cuba tengok bulan malam ni cantik. Wawa tanya nampak tak orang baca Quran kat bulan? I no. Awak? Ce try talking to the moon, mana tau kotkot dapat jawapan. hehe okay merepek bye nak tidur.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The people whom I love.

Lama tak jumpa. Last jumpa on last april. Hehe lama lah sangat kannn? :p
So yeah, went to klcc yesterday.
Double date? Ecehhh sekali harung jumpa semua sekali lah. Hip hip hooray. :) I love themmmm. ♥

Pagi. Jumpa Amy Zuhaira, Nickyn Rahman, Ilyana Hannan. and adik nickyn.

Lepak dengan diorang sekejap je :( Amy dengan Arsenal nye. Ekyn dengan ICity nye. Yanan dengan tuition nye. :p Hehe next time okay beoble. Amyyyy aku nak cilok ah Walcott kau! :p ececeh.

Petang. Jumpa Eqa Zairul, Cahah Amri and Asri Bharudin. 
And Cahah beli buku Zahiril wuhuuuu! If lambat beli kat kinokuniya, memang kempunan ah cik akak kite ni.  Tinggal the last two je bapak ah fast selling. Enjoy reading! :)

Thanks for the day awok awok sekalian. Jumpa next sem perhaps :) Yang former tu all from econs department. And some, classmates lah. Yang latter is law students. Lawyer pandai, loyar buruk lagi pandai. Hehe.

ps: gambar lain tak sempat upload, battery tibatiba mati charger kat bawah haha pemalas okbye.

Andd. Bak kata Shazrin, orang arab tak reti sebut p, so instead they tukar letter p jadi b. SO YEAH BEOBLE, I TAK SABAR NAK TENGOK HARRY BOTTER ESOK OMG! faster blease bleaseee, i cant wait. heh bobaii.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Err. Celebrate ke?

Tadi ada tahlil lepas maghrib. Kawan adik drop by nak saing sekali pergi masjid.
"Aliya nak pergi mana siap pakai baju kurung ni. kann lawa" (okay padahal memang dah tau dia nak pergi masjid) ayat penyedap je lol.

Aliya jawab. "Nak pergi celebrate arwah atuk" 

Spontan tergelak. Comel. Tapi cepatcepat AlFatihah.

-________-" celebrate; word tu yang awak guna adik? Hehehe. Ce try word lain. Ce try.

#sebab kes bersih, so diharamkan keluar rumah. halaaaah berdamai lah jom?
kata malaysia negara aman and bebas bersuara, prove it lah.
if duadua pihak bagi winwin situation, boleh je avoid kan demonstrasi.
1Malaysia kan katanya? mana mana? lol.
*okay. ni tak ada unsur politik and at first i thought it was just another normal issue tibatiba kecoh skrg tak selamat kena duduk rumah elokelok pfft, and just tak puas hati sebab tibatiba negara macam kacaubilau ahhhh why now, 
i want the aman and sentosa back. and i hate roadblocks. :) 

And wehhh apesal BLOGSPOT PON DAH CHANGE LAYOUT. Gila tak sukaaaa.
Totally lain! :/
I prefer the previous one please.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's sem break. Lepak or work?

Hellloooooo readers! :) My final dah habis so yeahhh twomonths break. Heaven much. Might be planning to cari kerja, but tengok lah camne. If ada orang nak bagi kerja, ada lah tu heh.

My private places semua dah jadi tooo public. I used to tell about my daily life. Tapi, lately i tend to think what others will think about me. If salah guna words boleh manipulate the meanings. So yeah, silence is the best thing to do. Tapi sometimes tak best lah jugak you cant write, in a way to satisfy my own feeling. And now, it is only about the private thing i chose to public. Yes, you dont know me well. Hehehe ecehh. Haa ni lagi satu masalah, takde hehe takde haha in any conversations, orang ingat aku serius, like apehal aku emo. -___-" padahal no. Hmm. Im sorry, can? Jangan terasa lebih pleasee sebab aku tak pandai cakap sorry, which sorry yang betulbetul sorry. Im a cold person? Okay i'll take that. :)

Aku paling benci buat pilihan, aku lebih rela dipilih sebab aku tanak menyesal dengan pilihan. #zahiriladzim #BMT 

Buku BMT banyak buat aku terfikir. Macam cikgu math suruh student dia solve the equation. Nice to read, and basically banyak notes yang taken from his own blog :) Tapi siapa yang tak kenal dia, maybe takkan rasa feel best tu. Rasa itu lain-lain bagi setiap orang lain. So if aku rasa best, maybe korang rasa tak. Subjektif, katanya. :)

Okay currently, im doing this tiny little job. So, i'll not be around for three days. I mean, away from all this social networks lah. Focus focusss. Jangan penuhkan timeline please. Nanti penat nak khatam haha. And thanks for those who give some helps. I owe you rawrrr. :)

And. Tak sabar nak puasa! First time puasa ganti habis awal wehhh. hehe syoknya ramadhan. May this year will get some barakah. Amin. Have a nice day people.