Monday, November 30, 2009

Booksale #1

Cool. Perfect timing. :)
Nurkasih dah habis. Minami Shineyo pon dah habis. Iris and Hero je still tak end. Busy busy -.-"

So byebye. I'll be going to Gombak this wednesday.
Ohmy cuti dah habis. Malas oh nak study after 2months break err. :(

bytheway, tadi we went to bookstore ceh semangat je and each of us grab two-three books padahal dulu nak baca sepuluh pages pon haramm.
Nanti exchange okay wahai sibelingss. :D
So azam before tidur mesti baca two chapters.
So next month dah boleh khatam semua buku wallah.
Boleh improve english sekali okay, said my brother wah bajet daddy dah. :D

ps: Okay nanti jarang update sebab diorang kata wifi susah nak dapat heeesh. Uia, sila upgrade. (:
See ya, on Dec24 yang pasti.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Nahh cahah. :))

If you enjoyed your high school years, you'll do it.
If you have nothing else to do, you'll do it.
If you're here to read the questions/answers and pretend to hate to do it, deep down you'll still do it.


1) Which school did you go to?
SMK USJ 4 then MRSM Serting.

2) What classes were you in?
1A, 2T, 3M, 4IS, 5AR hoho complete dah.

3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
Time Math sure semangat nak study. :D

4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?
Cant remember. 10.30am kot. And 2pm.

5) List down your favourite food/snacks.
Chokichoki. Okay DS takbest. :P


1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.

Okay ni whole class kena. Prep malam the guys cant wear slippers.
Unfortunately malam tu Dollah, Choi, Safwan pakai selipar la pulak.
Cikgu Firdaus datang ronda and konon nak cover so they exchange sandal dengan girls.
Semua dah control cuak bajet study tapi kantoi jugak.
So cikgu throw the slippers to ground floor and the guy need to take it back within 5mins. Sumpah lari nak kencang, pity them.
And the girls  kena lecture apesal nak protect the guys.
Yeah kami assabiah okay :)

2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?

Prep petang for sure. Plus, time riadah. Ape lagi, tidur la takpon lepak PSP (library okay). :D 

3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished?

Haha tak dapat escape pon. Memang kena punish.
Konon nak ponteng tazkirah jumaat and nak fly balik rumah.
Tapi kantoi dengan Cikgu Juliana aka Mama Ju. So kena masuk balik surau. -.-
Oh kitorang dah sampai gate okay tapi acikguard tu yang poyoo pergi inform dekat warden. Haha dush.

4) Did you vandalize any school property?

Not us. Warden kami yess. :) Kak wawa and Kak rin. Heh.
Depa potong wayar TV oh hebat tak, bajet tanak bagi kitorang ponteng prep sematamata taksub dengan tv la tu.
Tapi sebab kitorang ni terlebih expert so amik getah hitam panjang and connect kan balik dengan wayar putus tu so dapat tengok balik eventhough screen dah macam 70's. pfft..

5) Did you ever make any teacher cry?

In a sad way. Okay pernah. Sir Khalid.
We went to his house sematamata nak pujuk.
Siap bawak kek lagi. Plus hujan and kami tak berpayung.
Plus dah malam after habis prep. Plus time ketuk pintu his house, dia terus off lampu cakap dah tidur.
Ohmy sumpah sedih gila. Our apologizes tak diterima. Esok baru okay.
And yeah he taught us a lesson. Sumpah tak buat lagi. After that, kitorang makin kamceng kan.
Miss you sir. Tapi comel okay sir merajuk (:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Okay get ready (:

1. Pay entrance fees at Muamalat's counter.  RM310 je dulu bayar.
2. Complete the offer letter form.
3. Printout the offer letter. Huhu. Thanks huda eventhough senget duhh obvious hehe :P
4. Take the transcript from A&R department, Nilai. Ni pon malas. Thanks shamina sebab rajin amikkan. :D
5. Complete the Mahallah registration form. Malam ni nak isi. Okay semangat je.
6. Make two copies of passports size photograph. Baru buat tadi tetibe without touchup cehh. Taktau pon kena amik gmbr actually. :(
7. Go to Mydin. Buy this and that. Okay done. File beli complete. Stock makanan pon dah ready. Haha.
8. Photostat I/C etc.
9. Bank Muamalat account book. Wajib ke eh?
10. Charger hp. Kena beli baru haihh. "-.-
11. White sarong. Yang lama tetibe hilang pulak. Padahal pakai just once. Manentah nak gi cari lain. Huhu.
12. Withdraw money. Tak sabar nak gi cilok duit ibuabah. (:
13. Pack my bag. Okay ni malas. Maybe lastminute jugak ni.
14. Tertib. Perh tertib la sangat. Abaikan.
Bajet duit dah lari. Cemane nak keluar esok? Should i go or shouldnt? Tapi dah lama tak jumpa diorang :(

Happy raya haji. Saya raya kat sini. Sila tonton lembu korban beramairamai. Huhu.

IbuAbah. Esok wukuf. Lusa haji. Sila tenangkan diri dan fokus. Semoga dapat haji mabrur. :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Homaigott. Abang told me that his friend's daddy died this morning.. in MAKKAH.


And the last time she met her father was like two months before. Weh gila sedih. I nak cry jugak. :(

And yeah, im worried. Ibuabah. Hope they're doing fine. Take a good care and have a safe journey.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peta Gombak.

IIUM Gombak

Okay dah boleh start ukur jarak kena berjalan. :P
Fuhh bertambah rajin la nanti nak singgah mosque, nak menapak balik sumayyah evrytime class end confirm malas. Haha.

Nak lagi precise, click sini (:
And takbleh blah ada note kecik for link Kyros Kebab; 
iium student dislike his food but still insist to eat just to meet girls around.

Haha macam comel je dalam map pon boleh bagi description macamtu. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day out #4

Duit duit, sila jatuh dari langit!

Again, UIA.

Paid the entrance fees. Muamalat Bank.
And yang pelik, borang yuran dah bagi, but not the money. I just left the bank without making any payments!
That guy at the counter lupa tanya and aku lupa bagi.

After one hour baru perasan! SO heading back to the bank Muamalat.

Lunch at Subang Parade, PizzaHut. 
Thanks Ekyn for the treat. Next time dapat gaji boleh belanja lagi. Hehe.

Bytheway, happy birthday Diyanah! Saw her and the parents there.

Then konon nak singgah tasik mana entah huda nak suruh singgah.
Tak pernah tahu so nak check it out. (:
Jomjom tapi tak sempat sampai pon. Huh.
When nak turn left kat roundabout tibatiba je Baangg.!
Driver cina tu nak jugak stop kat corner tu nak maki aku. Stop depan sikit la wey.
Kang bontot kereta aku pulak kena langgar. :P
Okay aku macam kena tipu suruh bayar 400 kawkaw. Or buat police report if kedekut tanak bayar.

Tapi aku mana la ada experience.
So i thought if tak babitkan police lagi better.
Baru tau we will dapat insurance so just claim minta gantirugi and tak payah keluar duit beratus. Aih.
Feel regret okay tak call abang cepatcepat. :(

Pergi workshop settle kan apa yang rosak ceh padahal dia scratch sikit je tapi macam kecoh nak maki aku satu dunia, aku punya sampai lampu tercabut keluar nasib baik tak pecah je. Ada kau nak bayar?
Ala salah kau jugak kot. Mentangmentang aku P kau nak tikam pulak. Cakap aku yang buta. Dush.
Aih bodoh aku sebab tak warn dia balik. Aku just cakap okay saya bayar. Huh.
For those who are wondering, tadi langgar tepitepi okay bukan depanbelakang.

Okay stop membebel. Yayy aku accident. :p
And yayy next may dah boleh cabut P. So you cant bully me anymore. *gelek zapin*

And omg kesian duit elaun aku. Penat aku saving last sem. :(
Macamtu je lesap bayar repair. Okay now saya pokai.
Sila sedekah. :)

Jom Huda say thanks kat abang muamalat tu :D :D

Monday, November 16, 2009

Attention to Ex CFS

Okay esok kena rebut class. First come first serve.
Siapa lambat reg sila tukar jadual. Huhu.

Prereg online

Aih tapi tibatiba dapat news jadual kena rombak pulak so kena plan jadual baru. Err.
And just ada Stats, Bizmath, Micro, Macro, Acc yang boleh amik for Sem1.
Subject Management, Foundation IslamEcons, Fiqh Econs smue hilang. Ceh.
Limited choice. Limited place. Dahla student econs ramai :(

New Schedule

Esok bangun pagi terus register. 8.30 okay.
Nanti lambat class full padan muka.

Adoii malas la nak fikir pasal gombak ni.
Penat okay serabut otak. Taknak reg boleh tak??
Layan kdrama lagi best. Haha.

"I give you permission to like me." -Taekyung.
Perhh gila ego kau. Sendiri suka tanak ngaku. :P

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sumayyah and the mini tangga batu caves.

Dapat offer Bachelor of Business Admin. Yes dah accept.
But didnt printout the offer letter yet.
Kena tunggu mybrother balik from dungun sebab dia kebas printer. Ceh.

 Copp. How about accounting? Aihh later mintak tukar kot.

And yeah i'll stay at Mahallah Sumayyah. Which is sangat tinggi.
The seniors usually called the stairs, tangga batu cave. Huu.
121steps in total, fuhh!
OMG I cant imagine makin kurus la aku nanti. :/
Pity me. 

And dont be so surprise. Banyak monyet kat belakang situ.
Siap boleh main kejarkejar. Sounds scary.

Sangat tak give good impression nak stay dekat gombak tu. Dush.

Okay done with the offer letter.
New matric number. Number terabur ceh tak lawa. ;/
And need to pay the entrance fees next week.
Pastu just wait until 2dec je, the registration day.
Gombakk. :D

More updates;
Next week ada Hari kanak2 at SKSS and my sis will perform on that day.
And me, bajet choreographer suruh diorang dancing Lollipop.
Bahana Kpop fever. Kehkeh.
Practise baru tadi, nak perform lusa. Rushingnyaaaa.
But hey, i need some help. I never take dancing class okay.
Haha never. Bidan terjun la pulakk.
Belasah jela dance pon. Goodluck perform korang (:

Hm. Esok kena tukar roadtax baru tapi tak reti cabut sticker merah tu. Err.

ps; Ibuabah, takecare. We're doing greatss here (: 

Sunday, November 8, 2009


"Uit, Awat nangis?"

"Tak nangis."

"Dah tu. Mata merah. Tak cukup tidur ke?"

"Takla. Sore eyes."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Si emosional.

My parents dah naik flight pagi tadi.
My brother balik dungun malam ni.

So just the three of us now.
Jadi madam besar la aku kat rumah. Heh

My lil sis memang manja dengan my mum.
When she is left alone, even sekejap, confirm start crying.
And ceh, ni yang aku lemah ni.
Pantang tengok dia nangis, sure aku pon cry sekali padahal bajet nak pujuk. Huhu.
Dah lama aku tak sehomeparentsick macamni.
Selalu control cool je if dekat hostel :)

You dah besar. Dont crycry dah okay. Sebab I dont know how to pujuk.
After solat, doakan ibuabah. Time tak solat pon boleh doa juga. :)
Goodnite sis.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Subjects 09/10

ECON 1140 - Statistical Methods (Stats)
ECON 1510 - Microeconomics (Micro)
MGT 2010 - Principle & Practice of Management
ACC 1001 - Financial Accounting Fundamentals (FAF)
UNGS 2030 - The Islamic Worldview