Friday, January 29, 2010

Bayar fees, PTPTN?

Oh yess. Fees per sem. If nak bayar for one year, sila kali dua.
Tapi aku malas nak congak so bayar one sem dulu lah.

Copp nak flashback, dulu aku gedikgedik apply ptptn. Sebab konon kesian kat mydad. Konon je tu, oh memang gedik.
And yes aku dapat. :)
But then akak cc whom i asked to print the offer letter, clicked the cetakTOLAK tawaran. Uiysh sukehatimaksaudarajirantiridiajerr. -.-" Agak sengal kan?
Haha so byebye ptptn aku dah tak pandang kau.
Dengan bangga sekarang ni self-sponsored. :P *err, shopping nak cekau mana duit? Abahh nak extra!

And hey, talked about the ptptn, musykil ni apesal everyone dapat 26ribu and tuptup aku dapat 4ribu. 4 je wey?
Unfair ke tak unfair ni. Bias kan. Okay bye aku merajuk.

Okay mainpoint, Feb5 is the due date to pay all the fees.
Only resit yang kena hantar dekat finance which is sangat leceh.
And aku malas nak beratur panjang dekat bank uia.

So jom gerak bank muamalat sekarang, i mean before balik sabtu ni. (oh yess hari sabtu sebab ahad nak spend time to study padahal kat room confirm tidur pantang nampak katil, okay takpe semangat study tu yang kita nak) oh bank kat Subang Jaya nearby SJMC, terbaikk punye :) Woot, nak jumpa abang muamalat. huda ekyn jangan jealous okay :P omaigod apesal gedik sangat.
Oh tak, teringat kes accident je. Huhu.

Dah dah tukar mood sekarang. surayahani tengah poyoinnocent nak study. :DD Chayo.

Hadoyy account tak balance dari tadi and im stuck with belog and fesbuk ni which konon nak on sekejap je tadi. weh ayat sekejap sumpah tak boleh guna lepas ni. Sebab akan lama jugak. sighh.

Tidur. Baru perasan dah pukul tiga tepat. Esok sambung micro pulak.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blog tergendala.

Nak jugak announce. Page ini is under construction. Kontraktor pergi beli simen dua kati kejap. (okay alasan ni agak annoying)
Dah, Rehat lima jam :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Huda's two-ouh.

Dengan rasminya, Huda dah twenty. :D
love the cupcakes, but love the tempekmuka more. haha.

 We love the bubbles and hate the balloons. asyik pecah je. long sighhh.

The captain for today:
Birthday girl; Huda

And the cheerleaders :))


Together, we
spread the L.O.V.E

but hey, lets attack nurulhudabintinordin! :D
yess, :) bye.

Netball KBB.

Yee. kami kalah -.-
Lawan dengan budak supersenior kott. :)

Saya jadi GD. stands for Gila Demand :)

Anak sapo la ni. sighh.
Okay sumpah penat.

Next sem join lagi okay. Tapi dah tak boleh guna KBB la kot. Dah tak first year first sem dah. :P

Friday, January 22, 2010

Such a bad day.

--Lambat bangun stay cool je, but if lambat gi class anda cool tak?

--Vote two out of five. but Opps, if tak bawak matric card nor IC?
Need to balik my room and climb the batucaves stairs twice, again. haiykss :(

--KBB kalah seri. Okay agak good news for us.

--Bisnes tak go on smoothly. Dah kena perli dengan boss- wannabe. Tension tahu.

--Coupon for the conference is not ready yet. So kena berebut on next monday. Huu.

--Compulsary to buy the kemns tshirt. Taklawa taksuka. I dont have enough money. :(

--Got a bottle of drink. Apple tea. for FREE :) booth nearby hs cafe.

--Went out to Klcc. Me and ekyn kempunan tak dapat beli the things that we want. +.+
bytheway, thanks korang.

--Cuti midterm banyak kerja tertunggak. ungs and ict. plus micro faf hm tu je kot.

-- Stay sorang kat rumah okay je, stay sorang kat room with four compartments? Macam takbest. :((

--Need to stay Gombak until Sunday. My family balik Ipoh. Friends, lets hangout somewhere :D

--I got a big project for this cny. Assistant, im clueless. Wait until i have the final date okay?

--230110. Saturday Jom Garden Partayy :D

--Its 5am now and im still blogging. Okay bye.

Gambar bercakap #1

If we plan a week before, sometimes mesti kena cancel last minute. Thumbs down.
But if last minute plan, gerenti jadi. :)) Yayy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kami Budak Baru (KBB)

Everyone was asking what is KBB. Even PM yang kerek tu pon sibuk bertanya.
kamibolehbuat? katakbajubiru? kotabinbharu? HAHA okay semua tak.

Huda kata if dapat juara baru boleh reveal what's KBB.
So yesss silalah bagi group KBB menang tanpa bertanding. Haha.

The match will be on this saturday. Nasib baik bukan esok.
If not, test FAF maybe kantoi taktau nak jawab apa.

But.. wait, this saturday?
(firstclass)halaqah 8-10am plus (replacement)class mgt 2-7pm.

And netball tu, 9am till 1pm. Final game, 5-6pm. -.-"

Plus, my sportshoes dah injured semalam. Macam hint tanak bagi surayahani main je. -.-"'

Chayoo girls! Go KKB KBB!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mode: Busy

This friday, tournament netball pagi. midterm acc petang.
Today dah tuesday.
Assignment ungs kena submit esok.
Assignment mgt plus micro kena submit lusa.
Training netbal petang ni. Discussion ict esok gak.
Wey, bila nak siapkan tutorial acc yang belambak tu? :(

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My usj five partners.

Meryam is no longer staying in USJ five.
And soon, Asyraf will move to idontknowwhereyet.
Dont stay too far, later on susah nak hangout. Everyone pon macam dah pindah jauhjauh. :(
Suraya je yang loyal. Eh?

Sorry guys. This year hanya mampu wish happy belated birthday to both of you.
Lately im becoming so nyanyuk, forgetting the date and time.

Dont get the wrong idea, bukan lupa bila birthday, but lupa what date is today?

Okay korang 19? Who cares? Happy twenty jugakkkkk! Because you are no more teenagers.
Dapat sense jealousy tak di situ? Haha next year dah twentyyy.
