Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yonghwa & Ucin #birthday

OMG OMG It's 22nd of June Peopleeeeee!

Yonghwa's Birthday :) And damn i cant wait for June29. You've Fallen Into Me-drama *chickendance*

Yeah this love. Im in love. Love love loveeeee, everybody clap clap clap. 
*waving hands in the air*

And hey, it's Shazrin's birthday toooo! But currently she's in Egypt. Okay semalam macam semangat gila topup hotticket nak call her, tapi awek operator yang jawab 'you have unsufficient credits blabla' -___-" Kedekut gila nak call pakai hotticket pon tak boleh! :(

(cilok gambar facebook hehe mintak izin weh! :p) HAPPY BIRTHDAY. JOM F21. ehh? Tunggu aku 21 jugak lah! :P Serious rindu nak buli buli dengan kau. Serious rindu nak pergi rumah kau. Serious rindu nak pergi latihan rumah sukan dengan kau. Serious rindu nak call kau. Serious rindu lah! I always remember this lucky date. May your wish come true! Well, tanak ah panggil Ucin dah. Aku nak panggil Shazrin. Kau panggil aku Suraya okay. No more Su :) Hehe cehh aku cakap ni macam kau baca je blog aku kan haha. See you in August, girlfriend. :) And Alya. I HAHA everytime i see this pic. Miss you both :*

And it's Fun Fun Funnnnn! Of course it is wayyyy more fun when it's also Rebecca Black's birthday? LOL #patdd Let's celebrate we party partaaaay like a boss meh. #patdd

notakaki: Hazwani Ali, kau dah wish Lee Minho Happy Birthday beloooom? :pp Cepattt, nanti belated wish. ecehhh wei rindu kau lah!
notakakitangan: Cop copp, ni gambar Yonghwa paling coooool :) hi hi comel kan? :O

I loveeeee THEM :) Have a nice day.

Monday, June 20, 2011

People, siapa ada plan on July2 angkat tangan! I need YOU ecehh.

Blame my final exams. I cant follow my parents balik hometown. And cant join the gathering *cries* :( boo me, boooo.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My number one hero.

Happy father's day Abah! you are always my number one hero. and im always my daddy's little girl. :) still twentyyyy ecehh.

Well, some people cakap hukum menyambut mother's day father's day haram -.-" if valentine memang it's a no no, then takpelah sebab boleh elakkan from doing the bad bad thing kan. and at the same time, we are celebrating tokoh kristian yada yada kononnye. tapi for mothers and fathers, where's the worse part?

Jangan fikir mendalam sangat boleh? And jangan la exaggerate if celebrate. Be moderate.

Sometimes people condemn these such things by giving all the hadith and ayat quran. Okay fine awak nak tunjuk awak alim di situ, eventhough awak pon still join bergosip, awak still have slight revenge, awak still celebrate day-day yang lain. Eh jangan misunderstood, niat tu dah baik tapi cuba jangan main hentam kromo, judge membuta tuli. hehe. 

Hmm ce try to look from the other side, we are just aiming for gembirakan hati our parents or something like membalas budi. Memang. Memang we should do it everyday. Tapi i think it is okay to have a day that make them feel so special :) Right me if im wrong.

I read this article. He explained a bit more. Click

And yes, same goes to the birthday. Sama konsep lah wish fathers day and wish happy birthday. Thats why i said it is okay. We wish sebab we think of them. kann? Peace. But dengan syarat, jangan over /obses about the celebrating part. Adat manusia? Hm.

Whatsoever lah. I just wanna say million thanks to my dearest ABAH. I love youu :*

Bytheway, Can I have this book, pleasee? :)
*dont judge a book by its cover/title. baca isi tersirat okay people. it is called sastera.
this book is mainly for his supporters. untuk kawankawan yang dia suka :p

ps: Okay the most important thing is kita doa kesejahteraan our parents everytime after solat, Yang lain tu duniawiiii je :) Wallahualam.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Saya paling pendek among siblings.

Pergi kenduri saudara ahad lepas. Soalan biasa yang ditanya.
"Sihat tak? Pakwe sihat?"


Motif bukan nak tanya sihat, nak korek rahsia la tuuuu.


Semua saudara jauh hadir. Masa salam, adik perempuan berdiri di sebelah.
"Ehh. Sama tinggi? Tingginyaaa. Umur berapa ni?" tanya makcik belah ayah.

Senyum. "Kannn. Gap lapan tahun. Baru Form 1 ni."

You can call him McD.

Introducing my new boyfriend :p

Rambut messymessy sikit. cacakcacaksikit. Alahai handsomenya. #turnon. Duhh, of course im not talking about that singa. -.-" 

Rinduuuu. :*

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Abang bought TheStar. Spot him!

Okay that day macam dah tweet. Saje je nak kecoh sebab Perodua sekarang tengah buat contest Perodua 'Lagi Best!'. & semua macam sibuk usha Myvi baru sebab design more sporty. Ehh? Ponboleh.
The best video will get 10000 cash fuhhhh! Ba.bling Ba.bling! or an Ipad 2. Cha.ching! :D So simple kan, Join lah!

That day abang masuk newspaper TheStar semangat beli sampai dua. -.-" Padahal gambar belakang sekali punnn adoyai haha.  

Tapi. Tapi kan. I would like to have Ford Fiesta boleh? Boleh takkkk? Sebab macam besar sikit and yess saya suka kereta besar besar, tapi actually luar je besar dalam kecik -.-" but say NO to MPV lahh. Geez, I want oneeeee.
Senang ulang alik pergi gombak tu! Hi hi :D Well, memang ada Kia Picanto tapi asyik kena bawak lari pergi rawang je pfft. Babaii.
Eh tapi. Tapi lagi. Review Fiesta banyak dapat feedback takcool. Halaaah. :/ Positive lah sikit.

Hmmm. Bawak beca je lah jom! Manual gitewwww. Minyak pon freee!

ps: blogspot dah berhabuk sorry! sebab tumblr is more addictive and im loving it weeeeho! :)

pps: Adli's operation is done. Alhamdulillah.
But awkwardly, since the last three months, is waiting for Abah's operation next month but suddenly adli is the one who undergoes the operation first.

Well, He knows the best. :) 'Sakit itu nikmat sebenarnya.'

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kakcik tunang lah.

Kak Cik's Engagement Day. June5.

 Wait to be served, yummeyh.

Kakcik and her kakak's family.
I love the kids. :) But seriously, they're super active during nights. zzz

# pandangtak atas tangan di bahu.

 Kakcik Nana & Abang Badran. Congrats! :)

Haaa. Who's next?
Hani and Bill bagi can kat Kaklong Sarah dulu. Sila silaaaaa kitorang tak sabar nak attend the next weddings! :))

ps: Happy birthday in advance, Kakcik!