Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Si abang and adik.


Comel sangat. Nakal sangat. Wafdan nonstop lari. Khaira nonstop nangis. :) 
Okay, dah rindu.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Surah Fatiha protects one from the anger of Allah.

Surah Yaseen protects one from the thirst of the Day of Judgment.

Surah Waqi’ah protects one from poverty and starvation.

Surah Mulk protects one from the
punishment of the grave.

Surah Kauthar protects one from the enmity of the enemy.

Surah Kafiroon protects one from Kufr at the time of death.

Surah Ikhlas protects one from hypocrisy.

Surah Falaq protects one from calamities.

Surah Naas protects one from evil thoughts.

ps: copypasted from rabymalek.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hey Ultraman! #birthdaywish

Nama facebook: Diyanah Ismail
Nama glamour: ultraman dyna ala tomey tomey (okay geli) haha

Happy Belated Birthday. Yela, dia celebrate her birthday on 17Nov haritu, ni haa baru sempat nak update. 10years of friendship. Yup, darjah enam. Before tu entah la kenal or tak sebab tak pernah sama kelas kann heh. Dia dah twentyone weyy! Aku? Muda lagi.

Dulu. Pustakawan bebbb, nerd gilaaa minah ni! Haha. Pakai spec yang kalau tangkap gambar, mesti tak nampak mata. Alaaa i wish ada scanner skrg boleh scan gambar lamaa hihi. Dulu, kitorang beratur samasama, yela sama rendah kot, so beratur depan. Sekarang aku lagi tinggiiiii muahaha. :p

Tapi. Aku allergic library perpustakaan weh. So, at-the-same-time, aku anti-pustakawan. Sebab aku dijatuhkan hukuman curi buku library. Wait whatttt? Muka suci baik ni diorang kata aku nak curi. Blerghh dua bulan aku emo tak masuk library langsung! Haha kejam pustawakan yang report tu. #girl # cina #junior I was such an innocent girl. Lastlast dia admit silap. Cett.

Ooops. Tibatiba terbukak kes lama.
So hello diyanah. Nasib lah time secondary you dah tak jadi librarian. Heh kang tak pasalpasal i tariktudung angkat kening sebelah kat you sebab luka lama berdarah kembali ecewahh!

I wish we were still in the secondary form. Rindu the meeting before assembly. Rindu the makanmakan together at kantin and lepak Foyer C. Rindu jalan samasama balik rumah. Haha nak cakap rindu, memang banyaklahh, what past is always being remembered. The future is now what we aim for. May Allah bless you!
Thanks for being my friend, lady. Anytime just call me okay. If I takde when you need me, Allah ada :) Believe in Him, InsyaAllah everything will be fine. 

Goodluck & Take care. Uhibbukifillah.

Hadiah? Claim next year lahh hihi :pp

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

JB - Singapore with love.

101111. Johor Bahru. We stayed at Tune Hotels.com, Danga Bay for 2nights. Motif weyy nama hotel letak .com? Ingat cun latteww -________-"

7.30am Wake uppppp everyone! Yup, the usual time i woke up to go for my morning classes. Awal woi. Pukul 8 dah start our journey. Everyone was so passive. Then, after berhenti R&R Seremban for breakfast terus potpetpotpet. Amboihh! :p

2.00pm Reached Danga Bay. Tapi sampai one hour early. So again, makannnn! kat Singgah Selalu. I hate the makan makan part, sebab at that time i was having ulcers, but lapar punye pasal, makan je lahh, rezeki :)

9.00pm Makan also. Dinner at Banafee Village. Thanks Mel! Tourguide weyy. One thing about Johor, way in and way out are totally different sebab there's no roundabout or U-turn. So kirim salam lahhh kalau sesat kat johor. Heh. One thing about Istana Johor, scaryy? Err.

111111. Universal Studio Singapore. Woots!

Penat. Sumpah penat. Imagine lah, 7.30 am to 7.30 pm. Phew! But USS opens from 10am to 7am only. Penat menunggu pon ye jugak. Hah.

Yang Cylon tu sumpah psycho sebab naik Human dulu. And Human was so terrifying. Lomah jantong den. That was my first time riding a roller coaster. Noob, me. Haha. Tapi end up, I went up and teman Ratna naik the Cylon and jyeahhhh, we had fun! Buat penat je feeling cuakcuak all the way. Waterworld was supercool and Madagascar paling whattt? *angkat kening sebelah* tepukkk! #dashunderscoredash

So trip budget, ticket uss + shuttlebus = rm190. then, tolaktambah minyak.tol.makan.sgd, rm300 + rm190 = rm490 or less lah.

And the next day, balik youesjay! But first, food haunting duluuuu. Mee rebus stulang! Tapi the original restaurant dah tutup kata pakguard tu, pfft.Then, chocolate haunting. Tax-free zone. Me? Chocolate? I bought for my family lahhh. Tapi i eat the white chocs, so beli memang yang whitewhite je lah lol :p

The super driver. You're the best. 

I think you guysss made the trip more funnn. Thankyou korang! :)
Till we meet again on the next episode. Okayyy see ya! :p

ps: next episode, penang. eh? another episode, bangkok? ecehh! anganangan mat jenin semua ni, selagi tak pergi, we wait and see study je! letss.

ps: err gilaa semalam aku mimpi pergi uss lagi sekali bawak siblings aku. tapi limited time ah, so sempat pergi waterworld and liveaction je hahaha. PFFT.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hujan batu.

This is last two weeks post. But decided to publish konon macam reminder in the future.

13/11/2011 - Peringatan Allah kepada penduduk di USJ, Subang Jaya petang tadi. Setelah hujan ais batu yang lebat dan angin yang sangat kuat melanda, maka diizinkan pokok-pokok yang megah berdiri tumbang menyembah bumi. Maha suci Allah yang memberi nikmat dan dugaan kepada hamba-hambaNya supaya berfikir. - Facebook

Marilah kita renung melihat keadaan diri kita sendiri. Meski pun hampir setiap masa kita terlibat dengan dosa, namun selepas melihat gempa bumi, tsunami, ribut taufan, hujan batu dan pelbagai macam azab yang lain, kita tidak pun terkesan dengan azab-azab itu. Kita juga tidak menyibukkan diri kita dengan bertaubat, beristighfar dan solat tetapi sebaliknya kita menyibukkan diri kita dengan pelbagai kajian yang sia-sia. -alhikmahsj.com
Allah Subhanawataala arahkan kita ikut perintahNya, bukannya kita adjust perintah Allah ikut kehendak kita.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eid Adha!

Selamat Hari Raya Haji / Aidil Adha / Korban. :)

And they came to my house. Thankyou girlfriends. Mwahh to the mwah mwahh haha.


diyanah rockkk.

"aaaala tomey tomeyy" - bak kata orang tu :p

Only able to meet them sekali setahun je weyyy -_____-" sorang uitm melaka, sorang uia. Uia pon susah nak jumpa ho ho. 

Jauh di mata, dekat di hati kannn? Ecehh. 


Sorryyyy. T_T

The fact that i know about thisss one day before i go to singapore, makes me guilty, damnnn guilty for not being a lil extra concern recently. And that makes me less excited to go USS and have fun. Hmm. Should not? Membazir duitttt nanti. :p

But, I feel so baaaad. Seriously. Trying to think positive, with hardship comes ease. Because i know, no matter what, Allah is with us :) InsyaAllah.

“O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” (Qur’an, 2:153)

Patience when Something Bad Happens
The Prophet ﷺ taught us that “patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.” (Bukhari) It is not easy to bear bad news and not lose it or break down. It is even harder to prevent ourselves from questioning something that is so, in our eyes, blatantly bad. Why? But as we said before, there is a reason for tests. This is why we are taught in the Qur’an to say “To Allah we belong and to Him we return” so that when are afflicted, we remember that nothing is outside the realm of Allah’s knowledge, power and mercy. He knows this is happening, and there is a higher purpose to it. - SuhaibWebb

We should always ask Allah to help us, neither be angry with Him nor questioning His will and blame the destiny.

Ya Allah, mohon dipermudahkan segala urusan and mintak jauh dari sikap mazmumah. 

*i need panadol*
ps: Will see you this friday at USS, and Kemensah on Sunday. :) Assalamualaikum!