Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dear lil brotha.

Look what i've found!

before that, presenting my brother and his band. They joined the BNyouth competition and got 4th place. Congrats anyway. :)

That's the recent pics of him. Wanna see the old him, few years back?

Credits to Abanid.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 Grand finale Pesta Pantun Makum 2012

Winner: USM
1st runner up: UIAM
2nd runner up: UPM


they'olls ada 7persalinan yu'olls. meletops! 

Alhamdulillah. The event turned out well and the post mortem was awesome. Happy birthday to you! :p
Tiga hari berkampung kat CAC, tiga hari dapat makan free, tiga hari escort budak UPM, tiga hari dengar pantun. Aduka bersongkok sangatlah santun, seronok tengok depa berpantun. Ecehh.

First time jadi LO, it was such a nice experience. That 'klasik nasional' environment, so rinduuuu!:)

The warnawarni costume, the macamragam peserta, the empatkerat pantun.

Anyhow, the last day of event, tibatiba banyak dramaaaa.
Time saringan last, one of the pemantun sesak nafas and collapsed. Called the ambulance and bring the stratcher, and so they've decided to withdraw the match which means there is one group yang menang tanpa bertanding. Lucky them.
Time closing ceremony, spotlight terbakar! err dah jerit jerit for about few minutes, baru padamkan api. The power of fire extinguisher. lol 

All the takseronok moment during event will always be the awesome memories once it ends. Aal izz well. Thankyou! Ze best PR and LO teammates. :)
Bakau pancang jelatek di sana
Mencelah sekali berangan berdahan
Engkau merancang secantik mana
Tetaplah rezeki ditangan Tuhan - Shahrul Azan
Tuai padi antara masak
Esok jangan sampailah hangit
Insyaallah, HEBAT kita ramai yang nampak
Dalam temasya yang penuh SENGIT
- Azreen
27-29 April 2012