Friday, April 30, 2010

Shortsem bosan?

Bosan ke tak bosan tu belakang cerita. Aku jeles diorang class twodays perweek. Aku monday till thurs. Perhh unfair la camni. -.-"

Tips nak hilangkan bosan time ssem.
1. Online tak ingat dunia.
Best best. Dulu selalu mengomel busy tak sempat online. Sekarang NAH, wifi bapak laju, lagi men-teruja-kan nak online.
Tapi bila 24/7 online nonstop, sumpah rasa macam nak termuntah hijau delete account. Faktor diminishing marginal utility lah ni. Cewah.

2. Movie/TV series Marathon
Best boleh qada' banyak cerita yang tak khatam lagi. And boleh update new releases. Tapi sakit buntots and sakit matas and sakit lehers.

3. Gossiping plus shopping
I love this part. Tapi both aku kena puasa at the moment. Puasa duit and puasa mengumpatcakappasalorang. :|

4. Main games
Either indoor or outdoor. Duadua best.
(gambar cilok flickr; linkdahtakingat)

5. Makan makan and SLEEP
Wajiblah! Sila godek laci cari sampel makanan.

Okay guys, tidur paling teramat nikmat sekali. :D And bila terover tidur, akan terasa nak sambung tidur lagi lagi dan lagi. *syaitanhasut*
Bak kata abah saya, tidur after subuh equals to papa or miskin and tidur after asar equals to gila. Oleh itu adikadik dan nenek, please dont try this at home!

ps: Lima jelah. Banyak sangat if nak list satusatu.

YANG TAKPATUT BUAT. dek bosan yang melampau.

Gayut bergayut. tahula sini banyak pokok, awak ingat awak monyet nak gayutgayut ni. huhu.

Bery lamalama. konon to kill the times. uwekk.

Jelajah library. Aku pergi pon time studyweek je. If siapa yang rajin tu aku tabiklah :)

Bagi kucing makan depan pintu. Oh sangat takut nanti dia datang balik. Nehi nehi kuch nehii.

Main kejarkejar dalam blok. Haih perasan still budak kecik ke? Nasibbaik aku tak ingat earthquake.

Borak which sorang kat tingat 3 and sorang kat tingkat 1. Bising tau tak haha ini aku point angkat tangan.

Lagi? Update sendiri.

Surayahani pilih: update blog. Oh yeah. :))

pps: Sis brunei sudah mahu bercakap. Wah, a goodnews for me and mydormates, eh okay tak, bak kata cahah, for me je. :D
Bye, nak balik ipoh.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

(title unknown)

Dont marry an accountant because they will depreciate you. But hey, marry an ARCHEOLOGIST because they wil appreciate you as you grow older.
- Dr Akhyar , Lecturer MAF

ps: Siapa archeologist angkat tangan? :P

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Street Cafe

Street Cafe SS15
I went there with my loveliess. Nqya, Ratna, Hanna, Elsa, Moon. Best best :D
Saya, Suraya Hani kini ingin melaporkan. Ptuih.
As far as Im concerned lah, street cafe only ada kat ss15 (nearby taylors) and sunway pyramid (area asean avenue). Confirmed. If tak tau jugak katne, silalah tanya encik google. :)

The best part is, Street cafe ni follow the korean style. Cool wey. Feel homely sangat. Thumbs up.

Menu: Kimchi, ramen, teriyaki, rice cake etc.
And oh, tadi nqya order Ramen Kimchi On Fire. ON FIRE wey. Ting! (tangtangtu jugak teringat kat cik gen,andapastidahtahusiapa) :D Haha.
Aku order Korean Rice Cake in Chili Sauce with Noodle(Cheese) tapi share dengan hanna lah sebab we both baru take our lunch. Wah sharing is caring kan :) ♥

Grilled Chicken Bulgalbi pon best. Ala-ala sate tapi triple size. :)

Everything kat sana sedap. If nak menu recommendation, ratna lah terel :) Dah pegi banyak kali kan, aku je yg terhegehhegeh first time baru nak try.
The sauce is more to spicy, or should i say sangat hot and spicy and a bit bit sweet. Even original pon pedas okayy. So if tanak too pedas, addon the cheese. Oh yeah :)

Drinks: Ice blended, smoothie, korean tea etc
"Takboleh nak minum iceblended besar kot pastu straw kecik"
"Nah straw gemuk tapi pendek pulak haha."
"Haihh tak dapat sedut jugak pakai straw gemuk pon -.-"
"Togok jelah wey senang"

Togok = teguk (aku teruja dapat word baru heheh)

Games and Props: Macammacam weyy. Almost 5hours we all main semua tu :)

(pictures wait till ratna update, tu pon if rajin lah :D, my hp kan rosak so tak dapat snap)


Also, main Truth or dare, which truth tak main, all dares :)
We did take the videos tapi macam malu lahh nak show it here. Nqya paling sporting :)
Aku kena dance taktahuname yang usually aku nampak the korean buat. wavy the leg and frontback the tangan. Hamboih.
And all pakai afro wigs and buat nearby balcony so that orang tepitepi nampak. 1 2 3, action! And 4, semua bantai gelak. Haha. Pfft. Korang the best lah :) Bak kata moon, next time trip to melaka pulak.

Oh, dijamin halal :D

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Longkang vs Strike!

Longkang booosuk.

Haha tapi satisfied bila aku tak rank last. Huda dah janji siapa kalah bowling belanja aiskrim. :D Taklupa taklupa.

Tapi teruk, aku tak reti AIM actually. Aku main baling je. Tangan pon senget -__________-"
So should I say, I was lucky to get those points. Ngehh tak saya memang pro. Perh riak siyal. Alaa bukan selaluu :D

Gendut, aku bagi can kat kau je tadi! :)) Haha atleast seri kan?

ps: Nanti nak try buat 'bola loncat', jom heheh.

My name is suraya, and im not a terrorist.

notakepala: Okay aku pinjam idea nak update. :P

I love when orang panggil my full name. Suraya Hani. Macam bagi penghormatan gitu. Cewah haha. If siap penuh dengan binti bapak, wah lagi sejuk hati bapak :D

Hani, thats how my family and cousins call me. Just for them. Sebab awkward la pulak if member panggil hani. Its a no no. Big NO.
Hm cikgu takpe kot. Special case hihe :D  
Imy cikgu syahir and ustzh rodziah :))

Usually friends call me Su je. without the 'e' okay. nanti kang tak pasalpasal kena saman. -.-"

Yang tak boleh blah, konon nak unique, they used to call me, suraya madu or susu madu. Comel lah tapi. Hm suhani takpe :)

And thats how the madu kena saman came out. Konon nak tau makna sangat. Hah amik translate dalam KoreaEnglish terus. :P Dalam arabic, sumpah lupa the meaning even dah tanye ibu banyak kali.

notakaki: Shortterm memory, please go away. :|

notatapakkaki: madu dah tak kena saman harini. makan perfect! tapi ngantuk sebab tadi tidur after subuh -.-

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I told you that I dont want to know even look at my result at the very early at five.pi.em. But hey ofcourselah curious jugak hihi (after many of em chat on fb) so I opened the portal. ceh jamm gile, everyone pon want to check their results so chillex first.
After 30mins kot asyik error, at last it came out, my result duhh. and yeah it dissapoints me. Bye la bye. Okaay maybe its worth my efforts, but still, the subject(s) which I struggled but didnt get much as I expected, sangat makes me tak confident to take the shortsem nextweek.

Yeah I dont care you and you dapat what, sebab I know confirmlah 3.5 and above. And mine tak. :( Congrats to them. And please, I need help.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Suka wey suka. Love after kahwin. Adam is soooo romantic. Nak satu! Hehe.
Kiss rambut maya. Candlelight dinner. Caring. Aww sweet *caircair*

And he likes photography. Wah doublelike! :D

ps; tapi nak balik gombak dah sure susah nak tengok. :| Huhu.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I love tengok wedding

Dayah kahwin. Dayah kahwin today.!

Copp. Which dayah? Ramai dayah kan. So we used to call her dayah Mcd.
Nape Mcd?
Sebab everytime dia nak meet her boyfie mesti jumpe kat mcd. :) Wajib kot. Tuptup dah kahwin dah pon ni haa.

Kawan mane? Kawan UIA lah.
Exdormmate time third sem kat nilai. Kenal macam gitugitu je and not too close sebab aku budak tercampak masuk their dorms because i didnt take shortsem time tu, heh.

Dayah ni selalu gak kena buli sebab konon tak matured kot tapi dia dulu yg dapat laki. Heh cool. :)

Hidayah Jumahadi with her husband.
hoho nak jugak snap time mencekik makan.

Simple and senang. No khemah, hall je. No sanding, makan beradab je. As long as, both of them are happy. Walimatul urus tu kan just for syarat. Akad yang penting :)
Tapi aku nak buat yg grand continental lah nanti. Once in a life pon kan. :D
Hoyy berangann, study dulu.

Pengantin datang kitorang dah nak balik. Dayah la beregek lama sangat kot hehe. Urgent nak balik, so byebye dayah. Congrats. Doakan for our turns pulak hehe.

Doublesorry kitorang kacau makan tadi, tapi lagi awkward if main blah camtu je kan :) And time nak snap pictures with pengantin, time tu jugaklahh ustaz nak baca doa. Pfft.. Eh tak tak, i dont hate the doa. But maluuu kitorang depan sibuk snap and at the same time, doa.*sorokmukatepibanner*

Obviously in picture pon tengah khusyuk tadah tangan. :P

And we did ask her, stayoff campus ke cik dayah? Tak. (sedih)
Sabar ye sayang hehe.

Dayah, Hope you will be happy till anak cucit. Bye

Oh today, which is sekarang i wear baju kurung same colour with my braces, awww.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fear Factor jepun

Not just about fear, its more than that. Tak sanggup eden buat.

Geli. Takut. Euww. Errk. Huhu.

ps; masak mentah pon dah tak lalu. Ni kan pulak yang real. :|

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kedah Sleepover.

LeTOURMuder@Kedah. Muda lah muda.
We all still belasan tahun, except anda-pasti-dah-tahu. :)

1st day. 
Reached Baling throw throw away at 3am and wah teruja kejap rumah yanan chunn :)
Cik hanna and cik su gedik bawak beg besar, cik ekyn and cik tika tipuuulah bawak bagpack je. Tak aci tak aci :P

That morning, kitorang bangun a bit late pastu eh dah tak ingat. haih shortterm memory! okay okay then pergi pekan after breakfast. Dekda join sekali, and wah terus jadi kamceng with Hanna. Tanak lepas tangan baii. Beli air pon nak sepesyen. Boleh jadi duta MILO la camni :D
Pi pekena laksa sekali. Layann.

Pasarmalam. Beli oleole untuk family yana and tapau for that night. Ulu legong hotspring, yeah here we come!
Nampak je riang ria. But actually panas wey panas. Berlakon TABAH je tu.
Nak bubuh tang perut, aku da surrender. Huhu.

2nd day.
Get ready pergi Alostaq. Met Masirah there. :)
But first, renew yana's license. Tak sabo heh nak cabut P. Ai jeles yu. Mine, expired May nanti huhu.
Ohbytheway, it was sunday and it's schoolday. Bye dekda tak dapat follow. :D

Lepak Masir's agak lama. So we'all sempat lunch and usha Menara Alostaq aja deh. And cool gila ade orang belanja. Love you lahh. Hm ada jugak nanti cakap aku excited free lunch. Haihh rejekiii usah ditolak :)
And camwhore itu for sure. Weeha.

Maghrib. Singgah solat kat surau-tepi-jalan and omg ada kubur tepi toilet semua dah buat muka cuak. Jom jom blahh.
3rd day.
Ape ek? Oh today tak banyak jalan. Penatpenat. Yana lah penat. Drive, sapu, masak, buangsampah. Haha. Tidur-tilam-tolak tu macam best, aku nak try jugak boleh? :D

Lunch, makan Tok(nenek yana) masak, sedap wey. Thumbs up.
Baca doa style baru :)
Boo lalat boooo.
And menu dinner, spaghetti. Nak tolong yana masak tapi endup si penolong semua tercongok tengok Adamaya. Haihh why la adam is so romantic.

4th day.
Takde takde fourth. Pagi tu packpack terus blahh. And shoot, onewholeday dalam bas. Kebas nyahh. *menguap* 

Okayy nanti kami mai lainn :)

ps; ekyn kalah main UNO with dekda. haha pe cerr babe? :D
pps; malas nak update sbb blogekyn dah post awal. 
ppps; nak pic from camera masirah, pretty please :)

I dont know when nak rajin mengedit and tulis with full energy. Tahap malas dewa ni nak taip eventhough sembreak now. Sangat tak productive. Haiyoo. And hey, apesal everyone pon tak productive?

Monday, April 12, 2010


Cik ekyn pregnant punggong
haha ayoo tak tayoo kembanggg.

Cik suraya parttimer tolak troli
masirah paksaaa huhu. :D

Cik hanna orang minyak
haha dah terel isi minyak ni

Cik tika terujatutupgate
gate penjara nak?


Cik yanan kena kiss dgn tikus.
wootwoot. aummm.

Cik masir ohh baby baby ohh hehe
*muke mangse dirahsiekan*

Friday, April 9, 2010

Aura Maher Zain

Im in love with MaherZain's voice and his lyrics. The melody, syahdunyaaa.
Thanks lah cik hudanordin promote.

Awaken  Focus on the lyrics please. :)

For The Rest Of My Life

Time nak dengar his songs pkai wifi gombak, laju la pulak youtube nak load. If lagu korea or english, sumpah lembapp. Apa makna heh? :D

My big brother's birthday.


 Yes, dia gelak besar sebab dia dah tuaaa skrg. Haha.

To my dearest brother,
Thankss for macamacam. Hehe malas nak listdown. *psst. kak hajja said nak buat prank nanti. Please be aware. hehe. :) 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Exam week is stressful.

Okay pity blog, dah berhabuk sebulan tak update.

Exam exam. TWO papers more to go.

Haihh, tapi sumpah takde hati dengan microecons. Ai hate yu okay. :|
I dont even know how to start revising. Plus dihasut oleh mereka tengok movie and hangout.
Iskkk tak boleh jadi ni.

And am looking forward after final, trip to kedah. Cik yanan, saya teruja nak camwhore banyakbanyak :D
Hee cepatlah habis stats.

Amd. Dear roommate,
Sorry for being away from you. I know you saw my tears that night,
but seriously I dont know how to share my sadness with you. But I do share my laughter. :)
Be patient okay. I think after final, I'll be okay again. :) You stay happy with your boyfie okay.

And thanks shaaa, you'll always make me calm hehe. I know I can count on you. Aku suka bila kau call. And aku suka bila dia call. :)

Surayahani, exam lusa la der. Study. Okay okay. Sekarang dah jadi bestfriend dgn library. Wah I loikee. ;))