Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wed

*Ain, pinjam muka pinjam badan. Hehe.*

Yes, I wanna go home. T_T

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Birthday anak mr J.

It's 17th of October. Wooho.
Naqiah J. Happy birthdayyy! :)
Aku cilok gambar facebook kau! :ppp

Thankyouuu weh. for everything. :')

She's the best! The one you can count on the most when you're in trouble. And when you're freeee/bored. And when you feel like wanna hangout. And when you feel stress. And when you need someone beside you. Tapi one thing yang tak best, she's sooo mean! Haha. Jangan nak komplot dengan diorang boleh tak? Bukan nak backup member tskk.

Kalau lepak ramairamai, memang i hate youuuuu. Okbye. :p

Suka sangaaaat kat iguana. even her wishlist for birthday present ponnn iguana -.-" Bak kata Hanna, iguana = cicak + katak. hehehe. Hello iguana!

And sorry if aku selalu buat assumption. Whatever i did say, you know i love and trust you kann? Ecehh take care and have a blast.

 Sayang kau sampai syurga, insyaAllah :) May Allah bless you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saffa sells these cute things!

Instax Camera. I love polaroids. Macam best pulak feeling nervous. Once we click the button, we'll feel dupdapdup, to wait till the image appears, oh cuaks gila. :s

And the day before yesterday, we did some photoshoots with the Instax Camera. Me, Ekyn and Saffa. Belakang Musolla Sumayyah pon boleh. Promotion punya pasal, semangat. Nyamuk banyak pon sanggup ku redah. Ho ho ho.
Trivia: Find the hidden mickey. Err hidden ke?

Saffa jual polaroid camera. Siapa nak beli, you can call me anytime. Ecehhh! haa. Okay tak, go to Saffa's website to find out more about this cute camera :) Macam macam colour ada. Woots!

Thankyou Saffa.

Dulu je saya bookworm.

Sekarang laptop is my bestfriend. Ni lah manusia, dah dapat bestfriend baru, bestfriend lama tinggal-tinggalkan. Sorry dear books! Tapi pantang nampak bookfair, confirm gooo there and grab some. :)

So yesterday, went to the MAEPS, Serdang with Didi , Faa and Nik all the way from uia. Macam biasa, kalau more than 2weeks tak naik kereta aku mabuuuuuk! So that 1hour journey, tiduuuuur je lah hihi. :D Mampus lah nanti nak pergi Johor-Singapore 5-6hours journey. Mesti mabuk gila. Ohmaiii.

The Big Bad Wolf biggest book sale woii memang rambang mata. Most of the books priced at rm8 each. And so I grabbed 3 novels and 1 sudoku and 1 photography book for ekyn. Didi beli 22books gilaaa lah cool im so impressed. Hihi. The books which i bought from the last booksale pon tak habis baca lagi. HAHA. Imagine if Im the one who bought that 22books, confirm jadi khazanah jeee. :D

Mine and Saffa's. And im not into love books. And so did Saffa, which earlier i thought Saffa loveeee to read love books. Tapi memandangkan Saffa tak dapat nak pergi, she just gave us the money and asked to buy ANY books! Nasiblaaaa Saffa dapat banyak buku lovestory hihi. Sebab bestseller banyak lovestory. Next time kita pergi lagiiii okay :)

I love poetry sections, and cookery, and photography! Tapi nafsuuu, semua murahmurah semua nak beli geramnyaaaa. Suka tengoook je. Well, satu satuuu buku masuk dalam kotak, total up jadi rm100++ gak -______-" Dah tak murah dah haha. But worth it lahh, 15books. :) *bayarkan Saffa punye sekali*

Thanks Didi kasi tumpang. Thanks Faa & Nik. Have fun reading guys! :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Raya lagi.

Gelagat beraya di rumah Huda Nordin. The same day Amy Zuhaira buat openhouse and the last week of raya :) Maaf zahir batin.

Focus kat ekyn. Okbye.

Friends, please we remind each other. For both, duniawi and ukhrawi. Even when im being so mean, emotional, stress, lonely, sarcastic or in any state, just to let you know i love you the way you are, each one of you. Kalau yang tak puas hati, cakap depandepan please. It's so awkward if lamaaaaa tak cakap then to expect everything's normal? Senang lah cakap, tapi honestly, i might be a bit ego to start a conversation. Padahal rindu. Kehkeh. Say hi je lah mampu. lol. Sebab serik bila i start the conversation, diorang tak reply. A friend of mine quoted, if someone tibatiba tak cakap dgn kita thats mean she/he somehow ada backbite us. Macam yeahh. Why so sudden meh. And sorry saya memang khilaf. Sebaikbaik sahabat is the one yang rendahkan ego, haihh how i wish i can be that one sahabat. :/

And this past few weeks, damn hectic weiii. With the emss program, with the convest, with the quizzes, haihh life's so miserable. but Alhamdulillah, everything's done. :)
So i can focus more to my finance and bank subjects. And thanks to the committees. and friends. and roommates.

Sadly, 3weeks dah tak balik rumah. I need to recharge myself. Bye uia, hello usj.
Okay salah! Solat jommm. 'Lagi afdhal awok recharge diri awok atas sejadoh.' *tersentap* So sabar ye surayahani, next week awak boleh balik rumah, ada appointment to be as an excuse hihi. This week stay uia please :)