Saturday, December 25, 2010

Yours Truly

Surayahani is twenty. Finally huh ;p

Happy birthday means my age increases one more. That means im getting older. Not that so happy. And getting older says there's a lot more responsibilties. Tapi lagi besar, lagi banyak terdosa -.-"

And thanks to Allah, im still alive :)
So as im twenty years old now,  am trying to be a better ummah and also good daughter, good friend :)

Midnight, celebrated my birthday with the neighbours and the roommates minus nisa. hehe. :) Thanks for the cuppies yaww. snow spray perhaps is better than tepung lah kan. :P
 ekyn kemut tanak bagi gambar :/ so i grab it from the link. booo!

The day, went to klcc park tapi kena halau sebab diorang nak pasang bom -.-" christmas. Thanks for the day!
Amy, thanks for the idontknowhowtospelltheicecreamflavour-icecream :)

The night, spent time with the family. the best lah, i love ibu abah abang adli syazni opah <33
24 December 2010. 20 Years old.

Bye teen age. I'll miss you. forever :') 

ps: maxis kejam. takdapat free call bai. blerghh bullshitdog lah! :/ phew.

pss: and Thanks for the wishes everyone. and Amin for the doa. 
Special thanks to those yang wish through sms. Yelah, facebook trangtangtang reminds the birthday, so whoever did sms, i can feel the extra loveeee hahaa! 

Much <3

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Hey, Everybody Says May-Yo!


 sayang banyak boleh?
 i did join the baktisiswa thingy because of them. at first :)

thank god dapat satu family angkat together with huda and masir. and we met khalilah :)
abah baru. encik zaini.
ibu baru. puan shakila.
adik baru. atif and airil
Ibu baik sangat. Aku if duduk situ everday memang ada chance gemuk lah sebab nonstop bagi makan sebukit pinggan. Paling teruja makan ikan terrmenung and laksa and buat kek together. hehe.

Tadi nampak BEN10, teringat budak kecik tuh weyyy.
muahaha. gila geli tengok si besar pakai topeng tuh -.-"
and paling awwww, one day after balik uia, ibu shakila cakap adik ayil tak bagi tukar cadar sebab rinduuu. :')

i miss you adik :)

 will keep in touch, dont worry.

 pergi pantai macam wajib tulis nama pulak. ;p

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A gift from aussie :)

Tak ikut ekyn pergi broga. sebab ada appointment which dah twoweeks aku postpone -.- so taknak feels regret, i went out to meet meryam and others. :))

aku teruja lebih meryam bawa polaroid :DD

and meryam gave me that sleepingkoalabear special from aussie. i love you.

the four of us. kami datang awal. and they also went back early :/ plan nak main bowling after jumaat prayer sebab tunggu the boys datang. But unfortunately, bowl ada tournament pulak. So plan B, tengok wayang haha. TRON: Legacy. And minus the girls yang pulang awal, tinggal me and Nqya with another six.
I did say to them in a gurau wayy, i minat or would i say i chop whoever yang last to say hye and yada yada and memang aku menyesal lah haha.

Oh btw to kill the times during jumaat prayer, kitorang naik roof top and panjat tebing tu haha gayat baii just for the sake to get the nice scenery which nampak the view of lagoon. Nak pergi lagoon, i want the bungee jumping :D Then, security nampak through cctv i bet and dia datang halau kitorang haha choyyy.

Thanks korang! <3

Baktisiswa #4 - Jumpa Lagi

What can i say? The moment is precious :)

note to huda: FOCUS GAMBAR ABOVE NI WEY! haha blingbling :DD

hint: pakai baju kuning.

Hidayah Zakaria

Someone turns twenty todayy. hooray i am the winner at the moment har har.

Mangsa ialah si cengeng. hehe. Tengok cerita budak setan pon menangis tanak kalah wey. macam putus cinta -.-"

Nama penuh nurhidayah bt zakaria.
Nama pendek wawa. Taktau macamana hidayah boleh convert jadi wawa. dia pelat Y kot time kecik dulu. hidawah dawah wawah wah wawaaa. ;p haha okay tak.
Nama glamour bambam. XD

Frankly speaking, aku tak jumpa gambar kau sebab format-i-dont-know-how-many-times-already and pendrive hilang -.-" but who cares kan, your face and the memories will remain in my heart. for eternity. cewahh.

Two years kita kenal, aku still teringat our first day met.
Two years kita kenal, sorry for any wrongdoings.
Two years kita kenal, i miss being your classmates and roommates.
Two years kita kenal, thanks for being there for me.

Eh two years ke? almost three years lah kan. Ohyeaa wo ai ni. :)

Nama je satu kuliyyah weh, tapi susah nak jumpa. budak becs memang haramm aku nak serempak dekat econs tu haa.:/
 during final exam first sem at nilai. biasa lah budak first year cfs peghak sikit nak pakai matriccard hehe. :D

So again here, happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to *isitempatkosong. happy birthday to you.
saenggil chukha hamnida.
Love love loveeee, everybody clapclapclap.Yes, CN to the Blueee.

Kau ingat tak wishlist kau dulu?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Officially BBA

apply bacc. but dapat bba. haha maksudnya? lu pikir la sendiri. btw requirements nak enter accounting department dah makin strict and limited. choyy this sem lah pulak nak tukar system kan -.-"

At 12am, prereg aku macam lupa pulak boleh dapat tahu major terus. kat kedah pon kan. so aku ignore at first.
time rehearsal petang tu for sketsa, (yup kitorang ber sketsa on malam bbq hehe ececeh. tapi gambar missing in action lahh) :/ bila semua dah kecoh major aku pon curious lah nak tahu, i called someone to check my major. and yeah i did cry. 
ponteng rehearsal terus haha. wey mana taknya. frust meniarap youu, before this aku takde pulak fikir what if aku bba and what if aku becs. dah mindset bacc je. perhh konon bijak sangatt lah, foinee. T_T

Balik from kedah nekad la nak appeal bagai semua. tapi harapan je. aku redha, maybe this is the best route for me. har har. cakap dengan mak, dah. talk to the lecturer also done. talk to the hand je belum -.-"

anddd the consequences, timetable aku terabur. add drop merata. assobaru minal iman.
ada one class tu im the only junior, yang lain semua third/final year. blerghh. and another section semua enginee and satu dua je ict. haha aku apelagiii. manual add kahkah ingat dah settle tapi kena reject sebab section closed pastu lari kat lecturer lain. so yeah bye bye groupmates. ohh if aku stay class lama, i was given a group of five. and all four are foreigners. kenapa lah foreigners banyak pakai initial s. -.-"

so jengjeng. i have no class petang anymore. heaven wey. and 8.30 everyday. well its okay, it motivates me to be a morning person even during weekends. :D 
okay bye. 

Siapa Gadis/Jejaka Semasa?


haaa. ada berani tak teka? ;p

Baktisiswa#3 - Gotong royong

Yup. Pagi tu hujan. So activity pagi: aerobic/pocopoco was cancelled. kecewa makcikmakcik kat sana wey haha.

Ada myfriend tanya. apa mainpoint baktisiswa ni? gotong royong? and thats all meh.?
nahh. of course not.
we make the kids happy. also the family angkat.
and to let them know we do care about them. and to cherish them.
yelahh, diorang pernah rasa tsunami and nama pon kampung hujung tepi sungai kot, tapi tepi pantai la. heh. 
so they have not enough facilities and they still feel unsafe staying there.  
Yeahh, we were there to enjoy ourselves together with themselves . :) rindu baii

pictures taken by: kak hafsah

Baktisiswa #2 - Program Motivasi

ramarama = racun madu -.-"

Program ni bebudak module & training yang handle. To cheer up the kids and they did have fun. While others semangat bergotong royong. :) aku kena usha both tempat actually, tapi aku banyak melencong bergotong je. heh coordinator lah sangat. ;p
monyet. ganas. busuk. SUKA MENCURI BUAH NGOK. cop, buah ngok tu apa? :/ suka meloncat. tak comel. gigi kuning. tak mandi. penyemak. SUKA LIGAN ORANG. haha. comel lah jawapan diorang.
haha nicee.

Try it yourself.

It somehow is the best answer :)
1. Open this website :

2. Take the Personality Quiz (it's VERY short and easy, really)

3. Copy Paste the result to Blogger, Facebook, Wherever.

My result:  

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.  
prefer the second one :)

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
yela. iman is the priority kann? :D

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.  
thats why im single right now hehe

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.  
loyal weyy ;p

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.  

The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.  

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.  
insyaallah. btw im quite a pessimist person -.-

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.  
haha ada aku kesah.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
i am unpredictable. boo-yah!