Saturday, October 16, 2010

Silent Drill IIum

Im in love with the marching bands. Rephrase, to watch them. Nak march sendiri kirim salam lah kan hehe.

Brassband and silent drill is sooo addictive. Macam nak tengok diorang perform banyakbanyak. Style kot. Tapi brassband dah pernah tengok member main time kat serting dulu.

Tadi launching of iium suksis silent drill team, also the first team,
The blues & royals. (25people)

I went there to teman adibah amir and ajak nickyn rahman sekali :)
And taksiasia haha. Excited alltheway oh yes.
First time tengok perform live. Selalu tengok tv je haha ceh and cadet kelly is one of them.

Part lontarlontar balingbaling their weapons tu aku pulak yang cuak wehh. Sekali terpelanting ke terjatuh ke tertembak ke omg takut takut. *kesatpeluh*
Honestly, if aku join confirm berterabur la woi aku ni dahla gelabah haha tapi teringin la haih boleh tak sekali je sekali?

Respect ah diorang, they've done a very good job, nak berlatih comfirm lamaaaa. *tepuktepuk*
Layan pakai bigscreen jela mampu tskk.

Royal Malaysia Police Band (60people)

Pakcik polis perform lagi gempak dengan saxophone besar, drum, flute semua bagai. Ohmydramaqueen.
 muka teruja ^.^

Bye. Nanti pakcik please perform lagi okayyy :) Opss sorry diba marah i called him pakcik hehe. Abang ke? Aik. ;p

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