Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taxi sapu.

Waiting for the bus, nak balik uia. And ada one guy ni approach.

"Are you students from UIA? Come, follow me, I have a car."

"Eh its okay its okay, Thank you". Tolak that offer gilagila, we prefer naik bus. But then, dia datang balik.

"Come come, im a student also. EDU student." and he's a foreigner. Siap tayang matriccard lagi tu. Muka dah putih handsome, tapi haihhh. Selalu aku jumpa foreigner alim sucibaik je. hehe. But accept jela lastlast sebab bus tak datang lagi and we need to kejar solat asar. :\

Bapak kutuk malay okay that guy after naik kereta. First few minutes, borak baik jela tapi. "Why the malays afraid with people? supposed as a muslim we're together"  Okaylah tu dia tazkirah, ukhuwwah seislam katanye.

But then, dia bagi statement baik punyaa. "All the malays were sleeping while driving. Stupp" Hee kwaja la macamni.
The malaysian patuh with the 'Pandu cermat jiwa selamat'. Haha patriotik la tibatiba.

And yea, dia pandu memang tak selamat. Depan entrance UIA, time queuing la jugak dia pi potong queue and memang bamm la bontot teksi depan tu. Mengamuk driver tu gua cakap beb.

Kitorang pe lagi, pass rm2 sorang, letak kat dashboard, then terus blah before driver taxi tu attack mamat foreigner tu. Kang tak pasalpasal kitorang kena saman sekali.

Okay. Kami berjanji akan setia dengan bas afterwards hahaha. Beatiful girl sangat la kann lagu tu. Nightmare woo :PP

ps; Waniii. Corby masuk dalam perigi lagi ke? HAHA.


Nickyn Rahman said...

perghh! berani shiak nek kete foreigner!

Suehaney said...

aku kan cool hehe. next time confirm taknaik :)