Monday, April 20, 2009

Attempt to commit suicide atas jejantas.

After Zuhur prayer, all kecohkecoh sebab this one minah indon (maid) ada atas jejantas and nak terjun from top. Jejantas nearby my school and my house.
Between usj 4 and 5.

Haaa, macam scene bunuh diri pon ade gak. Pelakon ada, tapi director takde lol.
My neighbour buat assumption, entahentah minah tu frust sebab pakwe lari.
HAHA budak ni! Kecik kecik dah pandai kehkeh.

See. That girl ade on top of the roof. Camne dia panjat entah.-.-"

Firemen and policewoman tried to coax the girl.

More than one hour she bertenggek atas tu.

Abang bomba ni get ready dgn kain rentang. Bajet suruh minah tu bwat bungee jumping kot.

Ramai gile penonton okeh. Two lanes jadi one lane je for cars.
(Smpat snap time nk blah, so tak nmpk the figure)

At last, that girl finally turun after abang bomba convince her to calm down.
And semua penonton bajet setia tu tepuk terbahak-bahak, siap hooray hooray lagi. Aku tak termasuk penonton tu laa haha, aku jadi reporter kejap then blah, takda keje nak tunggu minah tu turun. :p
Sengal. Next time nak mati tak payah nak buat aksi dekat area rumah aku. Bikin traffic jam je oh. Ceh :P

ps; her majikan siap bwat banner 'SAYA BAYAR!', which is sgt lawak. The main reason is only because they paid her salary lambat, nonsense kan. Nak bunuh diri, just for that reason. Say whaaaat? -.-"

Jom gelak ramairamai. Haha. Okay stop gelak now.


Eqa Zairul. said...

Jgn larr gelakkn dier sue..
Ak fhm perasaan bler xde wit..
Btw, ko taw x the owner of the second largest shoppin' mall in U.S pon dh file kn bankruptcy protection..
Money ain't flowin' so well for some of people..

Suehaney said...

heh ok ok sorry.
i just thought that if she commits suicide, will her prob b settled?
plus, islam haram bunuh diri.
heh, i bet she is not a muslim la kan. (:

Suehaney said...

oh btw eqa, that girl masok lokap kot. hoho.

Eqa Zairul. said...

klu ko jmp dier, ckp kt dier, if dier perlukan khidmat seorg peguam, ko blh knlkn die kt ak..
ak x charge dier mhl2..
ak fhm die ad prob..
RM 15,000 if I win diz case..
blh byr secara bulanan..

Suehaney said...

haha. lawyer-wanna-be ni.
aku jd hakim ah. :D

Eqa Zairul. said...

u suppose to be a banker larr suraya hani..

fiqa said...

sue,mntk die tax 30% coz tlg knlkn..

Suehaney said...

aku lupe aku ni accountant-wanna-be.
dah 2mnths tak masok class kot. hehe.
nyanyuk da.

ok gak idea tu. (: