Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sila bagi directions.

Yes. Kitorang sesat kat Shah Alam. Went there with Shazlina.

Almost one hour pusing the roundabouts, patah balik, U-turn and getting more confused!
Bazir masa. Bazir minyak.
Anyway thanks to Wafaa. I called her and ask for some directions.
Much thanks. :)

To emphasize, Shah Alam banyak sangat entrance. And we did take the wrong one. Thats why sesat.
And no need to mention, the roundabouts! Big sigh.

To add on, lampu signal belah kiri rosak. Double slapface. Orang belakang hon sebab tibatiba terus masuk lane kiri. Sorry bro!

Eleeeeh. Korang pon mesti pernah sesat kan? :p


s a f w a n laa said...

huish..ko bawak keta..signal rosak....PAKCIK JPJ!!...SAMAN INI "MAKHLUK TUHAN PALING BYK LANGGAR UNDANG2"..HAHAHA...

Suehaney said...

haha. diam ah kau :P
pakcik jpj xknal aku.
and aku x langgar byk okeh.