Tahun kena siram/baling dengan air. Tahun kena ragut tepi jalan. Tahun kena wakenabeb. :p Thankyoulah hasil lakonan korang. Heh.
Aah. Dah 21. Tahun ni nak 22 pulak. Sobs. :(
How i wish i can rewind my lifetime and add-on some amal jariah, delete any conflicts and undo any mistakes.
But naah, life must go on. By doing mistake, we actually can learn from it and enjoy some experiences either good or bad, right?
Past is past. Life is full with colours.
Thankyou Allah cause still give me a chance to breathe till this moment.
And thankyou Ibu cause you are the one yang carry me for 9months plus, yang berpantang for 44days, jaga pagipetang when i sakit, layan macammacam kerenah since i was a baby, dengar my remehtemeh problems, fulfil my personal desires, and i hope can make you happy and proud of me. :D
Well, ofcourse thankyou friends, cousins for the well wishes.
Feel blessful when others do remember the birthday. But i will always remind myself, i should remember death more than remembering birthday.
InsyaAllah. Manusia mudah lupa kan? Do remember each other k. :)