Ohh and just realized, tak banyak gambar latest together. huu its okay, i know you love me. i love you. We are happy family.
Ohhh and did I say my abah's birthday is on 2nd July? So yes, happy birthday both! Double amin.
♥ them.
The month of Ramadaan is a precious, precious time, so much so that Allah calls this month “Ayyamum Ma’doodaat” (A fixed number of days). Before we know it, this month of mercy and forgiveness will be over. We should try and spend every moment possible in the worship of Allah so that we can make the most of this blessing. However, there are some of us who waste away their day playing video games, or worse still, watching TV, movies or even listening to music. Subhaan Allah! Trying to obey Allah by DISOBEYING him!
Aku paling benci buat pilihan, aku lebih rela dipilih sebab aku tanak menyesal dengan pilihan. #zahiriladzim #BMT