Happy father's day Abah! you are always my number one hero. and im always my daddy's little girl. :) still twentyyyy ecehh.
Well, some people cakap hukum menyambut mother's day father's day haram -.-" if valentine memang it's a no no, then takpelah sebab boleh elakkan from doing the bad bad thing kan. and at the same time, we are celebrating tokoh kristian yada yada kononnye. tapi for mothers and fathers, where's the worse part?
Jangan fikir mendalam sangat boleh? And jangan la exaggerate if celebrate. Be moderate.
Sometimes people condemn these such things by giving all the hadith and ayat quran. Okay fine awak nak tunjuk awak alim di situ, eventhough awak pon still join bergosip, awak still have slight revenge, awak still celebrate day-day yang lain. Eh jangan misunderstood, niat tu dah baik tapi cuba jangan main hentam kromo, judge membuta tuli. hehe.
Hmm ce try to look from the other side, we are just aiming for gembirakan hati our parents or something like membalas budi. Memang. Memang we should do it everyday. Tapi i think it is okay to have a day that make them feel so special :) Right me if im wrong.
I read this article. He explained a bit more.
And yes, same goes to the birthday. Sama konsep lah wish fathers day and wish happy birthday. Thats why i said it is okay. We wish sebab we think of them. kann? Peace. But dengan syarat, jangan over /obses about the celebrating part. Adat manusia? Hm.
Whatsoever lah. I just wanna say million thanks to my dearest ABAH. I love youu :*
Bytheway, Can I have this book, pleasee? :)
*dont judge a book by its cover/title. baca isi tersirat okay people. it is called sastera.
this book is mainly for his supporters. untuk kawankawan yang dia suka :p
ps: Okay the most important thing is kita doa kesejahteraan our parents everytime after solat, Yang lain tu duniawiiii je :) Wallahualam.