Thursday, April 28, 2011

Foot doctor? -____-"

Okay. I have this one question. What is the meaning of foot doctor?
No no bukan doktor yang rawat or specialized part kaki. Hidden meaning lah kot? Google didnt help much haih.
I repeat. Foot doctor?

Haaa ni soalan ramalan decision science part b. Pfft. -.-"

help me to solve or make a guess?
Hi hi terima kasih.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Konon nak pergi Hot Air Balloon.

Haa haritu pergi hot air balloon fiesta. Bukan tengok hot air balloon ye adikadik. Kita mandi hujan ohyeahhh *pandang atas tangan di dada* #patdd 

Kaki tegar nak tengok belon naik tapi takdapat. heh.
And heyy, this is my favourite picture of the day. Macam duduk atas air kan kan cool (: Hamboih.

haa ni je kitorang mampu tengok hahahaha. Jalan crowded pastu polis dah nee no nee no jangan park ditepi teruskan perjalanan wth. -.-"

Malam tu nak patah balik tengok hot air balloons tapi sesat haha lagi then balik dengan muka penat. So what we were doing? buang masa rondaronda putrajaya enjoy dalam kereta! And photoshoot hehe. Fun fun funn sebab its not friday eh tibatiba. 

Thanks korang. (:

Monday, April 25, 2011


Cuti ni aku rasa aku banyak buang masa. Online pagi petang malam. Lagha. Sumpah lagha. Ishh.

Dah apply kerja heh but didnt receive any calls pon haa memang no chance lah. Stay home je lah sampai start class. Tapi dah sorang kat rumah, if tak tidur then online, if tak online mesti tidur. Malam tengok tv semua cerita every episodes follow. Yeah apart of doing my typing job, i've done nothing much. Hooray. -.-

Tunggu semua complete habis exams then kita buat operasi hangout dan karaoke boleh. Okayy.

Last week, pergi dengar ceramah. Bimbing keluarga ke Syurga.
Ustaz Harun Din was one of the speaker. Imam muda Asyraf pun ada. (:
Tau tak kita sekarang ni zaman AC. Tak main dah Neolitik Paleolitik semua tuh.
AC is After Computer. Haa ni bukan aku cakap, prof tu yang cakap.
And all the ACs tend to blame the BC(before) as the kolots one. Ehh.
Yelahh everything kita google. Kita kan innovator, parents nenek atuk laggards je hehe. Diorang update lah jugak facebook sekarang tapi yeah its a bit too late. :DD

Ingatkan motif ceramah ni nak bagi tips on how to lead family the best way.
Tapi lastlast conclude that bimbing ni tak boleh blame the parents je.
Kekangan duniawi banyakkk! Kita kan materialisme and have toooo much fun. music, reality show, shopping, social network. If tak buat one of them, konon tak complete one day. pfft.

Prinsip hidup: Hak asasi and buat je apa yang kita nak and apa yang kita suka.

Means, buat apa kita nak sampai sometimes tak perasan it is actually bercanggah dengan syariah Islam. Yess the weird one is the common thing nowadays. Paham tak? Hm pahampaham kan je lah. Banyak je contoh tapi ishh malas nak cakap. It is more like; life aku, dosa aku. life kau, dosa kau. Takyah nak busybody. Hm.

Dulu, batch makmak ayahayah kita, masa diorang kecik and pantang dengar abah dehemmm sikit terus mencicit lari, haa kemain sorang sorang takut. Sekarang ape ada hal kan? No, memang lah respect our moms and dads but still if dehem or bebel macam it doesnot a big deal dah. Haa tanda kiamat lah tu. :/

Bytheway, i spend my times more on reblogging, tumblr duhh. Im sorry blogspot. Sebab my mind works slower during this break. Haihh. And yeah dont miss Juvana, peopleeee! every monday. Zahiril Adzimm (:

And to those people yang cari aku only when they have problems, thanks (:
Dulu yes aku macam sobs aku spare part je cehh sobs i do have feelings sobs. Tapi nahh, now, i just love the way you lie (: Im here for you anytime ecehwah.
I feel motivated with the tumblr quotes. (: Macam satu satu ouchh and i taught myself to think out of the box.
Hey, im sorry for being the old me. Oversensitive mungkin.

And to that person, korean stuff, it issss my thing but not my priority lah since dulu.
Sooo jangan lah pelik sangat if aku memang layan korea haha. Memang sebab cuti ni ada extra time, so aku layan pon extra lah (: Eh bukan extra dah, most of the time hehe.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Cukur Jambul Nur Zafirah

Hotel Singgahsana. 
Cukur Jambul nickyn punya anakbuahcucubuah. Eh got such thing meh? 
Her abang's granddaughter. (:

Yes im an outsider. Haha tapi selambaaaa je orang dah ajak kan.
Yang penting, dapat makan free. And dapat tengok baby.
And suprisingly i met my mom's cousin. Ok what a small world! :O

(Sila rujuk gambar diatas) Haha ni before handphone nickyn hilang heh cuak gila la kan ekau ;p so you know how i felt kan the day mine was gone.
But luckily kitorang patah balik and jumpa atas lantai. pfft.
Alhamdulillah (:

ps: gambar baby kat encik nik. 
pps: next time jaga handphone elokelok ;p

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"I stalk your profile when i miss you"
          Yes, i stalk you. haha diam. ;p

It's a malay song bytheway. And no, he's not malaysian.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thats what we did after exam.

Ha'ah merayau kat taman layanglayang tapi tak sempat main layanglayang sebab huda tak bawak layanglayang okay enough with the layanglayang. :O
So what did we do?

Photoshooting. Shoot shoot shoooooot.
Halaah jangan nak bajet photoshoot artis sangat lah kan. camwhore je lebih haha.

Huda ranger to the rescue, aww yeah.

My fav girls (: tea party time.


Haa akak ni tengah bestbest posing. Dua makhluk sesat sibuk buat hal kat belakang. Pfft -.-"
"tu je?! tu je ke yang korang boleh buat?" ;pp

Ignore my wattheheck face tuh. I just love the pic sebab rasa macam cool tengah buat rap dance. LOL.

Taman Metropolitan Kepong aka Taman LayangLayang. Next time kita main layanglayang. (:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A great start for my sembreak (:

Day #1. khatam cerita korea yang banyak gila miss. Memang one whole day depan laptop :B  

Day #2. Went out with my exschoolmate. Primary. Farihah Ismail. perhh lama tak contact you're doing great girl. :) Gosh, i admire those who are majoring in architecture!  
Btw we were doing some job hunting at Empire and Subang Parade, hehe. Masuk lima enam kedai. Tapi dua je apply pfft. -.-" Haha okbye. 

Day #3. Done the exam paper for form5. :) I was helping my mum. Make the questions pon it's a bit tough hmm with all the equations, drawings for grids and prisms. :| But anyhow, math is my passion. Rindu addmath boleh? :F #nampakbenonipunye
at Murni Taipan USJ w/ 6others. 

we eat, and play card games. we declare, we deal. (: 
Yayyyyyy! ♥
i love the way i win hahahahaha.

They're going to Seoul Garden tomorrow. I am not joining sebab i'll be going to iium gombak. Need to check out officially lah and return the kunci. And might be going to taman layang layang, sekali jalan lah kan hehe. :))
So korang makan on my behalf pleasee. Tak pernah weh sampai sana lagi :(

Thanks dinding. Oops. #patdd
(blame orang yang bagi nama ni) :X

ps: im home alone almost everyday. so memang taklah nak jadi morning person at the moment. say hello at noon okay :)

pps: dah macam report cardpost day. every day's what-i-did-today nak jot down kat sini. blerghh get a life, write something that can inspire people, not the lagha lagha thing. BYE!

Monday, April 11, 2011

im done!

hello supriseeee yes they pranked him twice. awesomely cool sebab he didnt even notice that haha. thanks to the girlfriend :P
hmm while i was struggling for my last paper. damn i even forgot to wish him last midnight. Blame the organizational behavior paper! :/ i want to be the second lah atleast hmm.

There's always the time when two three days earlier dah mindset esok or another esok ada blabla event. tapi on the date itself omaigaddd lupa gila. -.-" oh i hate that.
why lately im so pelupa whyy? too much maggi, no?

Happy Birthday Kamil Hadi Moktar :)
attempting to look alike with that annoying face. LOL.
23yearsold now. May have a great year ahead. 

and cant wait for your upcoming salaryyyy hahahaha the best part having a brother is when he belanja all the adiks. blingbling. thankyou abang. :D
 tapi for your birthday, just keep your moneypocketwallet save okay. will be my treat, tapi guna duit ibu abah boleh? :) 

But hey whatsoever my finals, IM DONE, PEOPLE! say what? hoorayy. eh. alhamdulillah. 
no more stress, no more exam, no more revision at the moment :) 
Goodlucks to those who are still taking the exam. May Allah helps you.

Wait, i'll be LOC for shortsem. Living-Outside Campus whoaa that means im staying home for five freaking months until september. Gila lah cun!